Refunds/Cancellations policy

Refunds/Cancellations Policy

At Digizen International, we strive to provide exceptional services and ensure customer satisfaction. We understand that circumstances may arise that require refunds or cancellations. Please review our policy below:

1. Cancellation of Services:

1.1 Client-initiated Cancellations: Clients can request the cancellation of services by providing written notice via email or our official communication channels. Any deposit or payment made will be subject to the terms outlined in the initial agreement or contract.

1.2 Digizen International-initiated Cancellations: In rare instances where Digizen International is unable to fulfill its obligations due to unforeseen circumstances or technical limitations, clients will be promptly notified. Any payments made for undelivered services will be fully refunded.

2. Refund Policy:

2.1 Refund Eligibility: Refund eligibility is based on the stage of the project and the services rendered. Clients may be eligible for a refund according to the following conditions:

  • For services not yet initiated or delivered, a full refund may be applicable.
  • For services partially completed, the refund will be prorated based on the completed work and the remaining scope.

2.2 Non-refundable Services: Certain services, such as domain registration fees, third-party software licenses, or specialized tools procured specifically for a project, may not be eligible for refunds. This will be explicitly communicated to the client during the project initiation phase.

3. Process for Refunds:

3.1 Refund Request: Clients must submit a refund request in writing, clearly stating the reason for the request. The request will be reviewed within [X business days], and the client will be informed of the decision.

3.2 Refund Disbursement: Upon approval of the refund, Digizen International will process the refund within [Y business days] through the original method of payment unless otherwise agreed upon between the parties.

4. Modification of Services:

Digizen International reserves the right to modify or discontinue any service without prior notice. In such cases, clients will be informed, and alternative solutions or compensation will be discussed.

5. Contact Information:

For any inquiries, concerns, or to request a refund or cancellation, please contact us at [contact email/phone number].

6. Policy Updates:

Digizen International reserves the right to update or modify this Refunds/Cancellations Policy at any time. Clients will be informed of any changes through our official communication channels.
